Friday, October 3, 2008

October is Computer Month!

How do we use computers everyday?
I did not grow up with computers, so I know about the time before they existed and have witnessed a huge evolution of how we live as a result of computers. They have affected my life because now I spend hours on the computer everyday. I use them to work, learn, communicate, teach, shop, research, get directions, and many other things. Even when I am not sitting at an actual computer, many things I touch, see or hear are run by computers. The ATM machine at the bank is one example. The check-out machine at the grocery store is another. Hospitals and medical tests are run by computers. Even the water and ice dispenser on my refrigerator is controlled by a computer chip. More and more activities are becoming automated because of computers.
I wonder how eighth grade students feel about the impact of computers. Is it something they notice or is it just too embedded in their daily activities?


Anonymous said...

Ricky's comment:
I like to use computer's everyday. Computers rock.

Anonymous said...

Ali's comment:
Since I grow up with computers I know how to use them really well. I have many uses for them. Some of them are:
2. getting pictures
3. just playing online
Some computers have an inpact with buissnesses but others are just for fun.

Anonymous said...

brian h
i like to use computers at night on facebook and stuff and youtube and fltron and myspace and stuff and fantastin contraption and photo shop and movie maker and photo story and edline and homework and stuff and yeah i think thats all and yeah and okay and thats it i think and am i right and THIS WEBSITE and yeah i love computers and stuff lol and hahah and jk lol

Anonymous said...

Franchesca's comment
My impact on computers is big. I use a computer every day. At school and at home. When i go to the mall at the cash register there is a computer chip that prints out the recipt and it gives the total you spent. My cellphone has a computer chip that allows me to use the internet whenever I want to. A computer is very helpful. We use it to send emails, research on various things and many more things based on my daily life.

Anonymous said...

I belive that our classmates use computers, in our evday lives. The animations that were made are very good, but if we didn't use computers everyday or so it probaly woundlt be so great.

Anonymous said...

Matt's comment
I think that we use computers in almost every aspect of our life. When we go to school many of our cars have GPS. All cars also have a CD player which uses computers. Also, at school we use computers to do projects, such as our photostory. I think that eight graders don't really notice all of the computers in their daily life. They all grew up with all of these different things available. They nevr really lived without computers being part of their life. I don't think that they really appreciate computers overall.

Anonymous said...


I think all us 8th graders are so used to computers by now. So we think "Oh, an ATM. Oh, we're checking out of the grocery store. Oh, I want to listen to my iPod." It's no big deal to us. I seriously can't remember a time when I wasn't able to use a computer. We had a computer lab in kindergarten! I don't think about the use of computers in everyday things, it's just kind of natural to us, since we live in the technology era.

Anonymous said...

Amanda :]
well, I think that computers is something I notice everyday because I use it for so many reasons. For example, homework, comunication with other people, work, and many more. It deffinitely impacts everyone's lives and is very helpful.

Anonymous said...

Normally i don't even think about the use of computers. I use them unconsciously every day. For homework, shopping and just surfing the web. I have used a computer since i was very little so i couldnt imagine a life without them. They are so embedded in my everyday life that i don't even think about how they work or what makes them do what they do. I love computers and everything that they can do. I dont know what i would do without them.

Anonymous said...

Mashiat's Comment~

I grew up with computers so I have a lot of experience with them and my dad works for Fugi Film and he's with computers everyday, so we have a lot of computers around our house. I think computers are very widely used by teens and adluts. Whether it is to listen to music, get information on a topic or communicate with others, it's a very important invention. I think that since many families have become familiar with this great invention, it's used a lot more. We use computers almost everyday and they help out people very much.

Anonymous said...

alice- I do think that we notice the new technology. Right now, just the way we're communicating is very high tech. I notice it because I remember the first cellphone I saw and only business people had them. Nowadays everyone even kids have them. They're really high tech too! The iPhone 3G is really high tech. You can access the Internet at an amazing speed and download things right to the palm of your hands. Technology is really interesting because it won't ever stop evolving. I do notice it, whether it be the phone I am typing this on, or the motion activated sinks at the mall. It definetly impacts my life greatly.

Anonymous said...

When I think of how they didn't have computors I do not know how they did it. When you think of how we live our lives, it all has to do with computors. We wouldn't have without them.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Wilson,
I think that since we grew up with commputers they are just a part of a daily lives. We use them for homework, getting pictures, and just playing games online.


Anonymous said...

Will's comment,
I use computers everyday, whether its listening to music, communicating with my buddies, chatting threw a camera, or evan doing homework I use it everyday.
I use an apple macbook, which in my opinion is the computer of the future. I hope technology progresses so the computers can be evan cooler!

Anonymous said...

Rafik's comment:

Ya i use em all the time for email facebook and a lot of other things.

Anonymous said...

Sarah's comment:
Computers are sometinhg I use every day so I don't really take notice of them. I use them for email, playing games, chatting, doing homework and many other things. Almost everywhere you go you can find a computer, so that tels us they have made a big inpact on our lives. I don't know what I would do if there were not computers.

Anonymous said...

Erin's comment:
I use computers all the time at home doing homework, printing out stuff, and playing games. I think that everyone uses computers and I can't imagine a time without them.

Anonymous said...

Anna's comment
Computers affect my life everyday. I use them for music, writing, almost everything. I guess I don't realize how much they impact me until I really sit down and think about it. I know they controll most of this centry but it's weird to think of how much they've changed human civilization.

Anonymous said...

i use the computer everyday for

computer games


Anonymous said...

Destiny's comment:
I think ever since they invented computer's life has been easy for everyone. You have access to everything you want to know. Computer's has affected my life also. I use the computer everyday to talk to my friends, listen to music and even for homework. I can't wait to see what other new computer's they invent ! =)

Anonymous said...

I think it impacts my life

Anonymous said...

i use my computer for my home work and aol and playing games

Anonymous said...

Matt's COMMENt

I love Computer's they are a lot of fun. i use them all the time.