Friday, March 30, 2012

Wiki website is about ...

"Web 2.0  (Wiki type website) is about TRUST...It's about sharing, and collaborating"

Do you feel this quote is true or not?
Write a comment that explains what this quote means. Mention pros and/or cons of the wiki environment. How could you use this type of website for a class in school? Your comment should be a paragraph with at least 3 complete sentences. You may type it in Word first and copy and paste your paragraph into the comment box.

Type your first name when making your comment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeff Dutter
I think Wiki is a great way to share ideas with fellow classmates and teachers. We can leave a discussion post, comment on pages, and put whatever we want wherever we want, be it your own page or someone else's. But being able to change the page of a fellow student can bring opportunities for that student to post rude and/or inappropriate things. I love Wiki, but I think we need to TRUST our classmates to know that they won't post anything bad on our pages.