Monday, April 4, 2011


These are two new Web 2.0 publishing tools. It is easy to post text, pictures and videos. Even businesses are exploring the use of blogs and wikis for a variety of purposes; from customer service and advertising to employee work spaces.
Now that you have experienced both blogs and wikis:
  1. Describe some of their features
  2. Compare/Contrast blogs and wikis 
  3. What websites do you use that are a type of blog or a wiki?
  4. If it were possible, how would you use a blog or wiki that you created in school?
  5. What subject area would you find it most useful? Why?


Brandon Chen said...

Blogs can let people express their opinions about things whereas wikis have more of a single-sided view to things where people look at what other people post instead of posting themselves.

Wikipedia allows only certain people to post, because it is a wiki. Facebook is a type of blog that lets everyone post.

If it was possible I'd create a blog, so that everyone could comment and it could become an overall social network.

Blogging is very useful for letting people say their own opinions on things and for others to argue or agree with one another.

will said...

Wikis have the ability to upload many files. Blogs only have text.
I like wikis more than blogs. They are more "Customizable".
Facebook is a type of blog.
In school, we could make a school blog or wiki as a newspaper.
We could use blogs or wikis in English to make a continueous story somehow

Juhyeon said...

I believe wikis are better than blogs because we can upload few things at once in wiki. However, wiki should let us move files around because it's annoying if i can't place files where i want those to be. I think wikis are better,but blogs are probably better for most school classes like math, L.A, or social studies.

Carolyn said...

I personally like wikis better because you can post all sorts of files. Where as for this blog all you can do is comment.

Mickey P said...

Mickey- Both wiki and blogs are really cool.They are both really fun use and fun to see what people write.

Wiki Features- In wiki you get to create your homepage and included what ever you want on them for other people to see.

Blogs Features- you get to see what your classmeates do and write and whats going on.

Kayla said...

I have now been working with blogs and wikis for a whole marking period and I have learned a lot. There are lots of features for both. For example so features for them are making your own page, commenting on other people's comments, viewing other people's pages and uploading your projects to your page or blog. These are just some of the many features that you can do/use on these websites. Blogs and Wikis are similar and different in mant ways for example in blogs you cant really have a creative page like you can on wikis but on wikis you cant comment on peoples comments or pages. Some similar things that they have are that you have to have an account for both websites. If it was possible I would use the blog or wiki that I created in school to share my comments/projects with my classmates. I think that I would find it most useful in L.A. and Art class. I think this because in L.A. we would be able to share our writing pieces with others and we could give them feed back. it would be fun in art to use a blog or wiki because we would be able to take pictures of our art and share them with everyone.


Sarthak Bothra said...

Blogs can be seen by anyone and they are great for text. Wikis are my personal favorite because anything can be put on them. They are more appealing to my vision.I dont really use blogs because i think they're boring. I also dont really use wikis because i hadn't heard about them before. A blog might be usefull in school because it would be easier for teachers to communicate with their students. Wikis might be usefull for sharing final work in any of the subjects.

Uma said...

Personally, I prefer the class wiki to the class blog. I find that the wiki is cooler because you get to personalize your very own page! Then, the class blog has less personality aside from the creators. So that is why I feel more appreciation towards the class wiki page.
:D I heart chickens

Tate Duran said...

Some features of a blog are that people can comment on them and you can keep people updated with whats going on by posting on it. Wikis, however, are different in some ways. One difference is that blogs are revolved around one person and wikis are more for information and are about everyone. One way that they are the same is that they both have people that subscribe or comment on them. One website that i use that is a blog is facebook. A website i use is wikipedia. In school, a wiki that i would use for school would be wikipedia because it is school-friendly.

Zach Kenton said...

The wiki is good for posting animations and pictures that we made. I don't use blogs because they don't appeal to me, although i found wikis useful and use them occasionally.

Jenny Moran said...

The features between wikis and blogs are both similar. The way you are able to post pictures and words in the wiki is pretty good because you can express your self in different ways through pictures and words. When i used the blog its also fun because you can respond to questions in full honesty or in just plain lying. They are somewhat the same because they are both types of blogs, but in their own ways. The websites that i use that are blogs are Facebook, Formspring, Tumblr, Twitter, and the blogs that i used in school. I would probably use it if I was a photographer to post my work, or if i was just bored. I would probably use it for photography.. like i just said. These blogs were very useful for Mrs. Wilson to see my and my classmates work.

Cassandra said...

Using a blog and a wiki are two different things on a blog your options are limmited for example when your using Facebook you can just upload a picture when your using a wiki you can create your own picture and on your page could be all your creation its really up to you.

Katherine said...

A feature of blogs is that they are all text while a wiki is text and media files. I like blogs more. Whether it be text blogs of photo blogs, I think they are more fun and can tell you more about a person. Wikis are less personal and I don't like it as much personally. A type of blog I use is Facebook. Some of my friends use tumblr which is a photo blog. In school it could b e used for a project. Instead of putting photos and text in a powerpoint I could put it on a wiki. I think it would be useful in SS because there are a lot of visuals that could be used in SS.