Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I learned something new using Photoshop Elements (Marking Period 4)

Choose an assignment or activity that you worked on during the class using Adobe PhotoShop Elements. Reflect on the activity or feature that you used. Explain what you liked about it or what you learned as well as what the assignment was.
Your comment should be at least one paragraph to sufficiently express your thoughts. Check your response for grade 8 grammar, organization and content.

Only first names please!

Period 4's Class Blog (Marking Period 4)

The Grade Eight Computer Elective focuses on graphics design and publishing. Our emphasis is on creating and transforming graphics, text and other components that appear on web pages and printed material. Students will create original graphic images with several different programs including computer-imaging software. Digital cameras, scanners, and the Internet are also used in the students’ projects.
Your first task with our class blog is to write a comment to say hello.
-Click the Comments link below this posting.
-Type a hello message in the comment box.
-Select Name/URL in the Choose an identity area.
only your first name
-Click the Publish button.
Please use your first name only in your comments on this blog.